Episode 1: Currahee
This is the first episode of the 10-part series. It takes place in Toccoa Georgia 1942. The men of E. Company goes through training, where there is a heated rivalry between Cpt. Herbert Sobel (David Schwimmer) and Lt. Winters. In this episode, the viewers are introduced to the characters of Easy where they depart for England for the invasion of Normandy.
Episode 2: Day Of Days
In this episode, American troops parachute into France but everyone misses their drop zones and are scattered everywhere. The episode begins with a view of the C-47 planes carrying American troops into occupied France. They come under heavy fire where Lt. Thomas Meehan's plane, the C.O. of Easy and 506 PIR, takes a direct hit and crashes, killing everyone on board. Winters jumps, losing his rifle, but meets up with Pvt. John Hall from A. Company. Winters eventually meets up with more men of Easy and locates HQ. Easy are then told to take out German 105 mm guns at Brecourt which are firing on the boys at Utah Beach. Here, Winters loses his first man, Hall.
Episode 3: Carentan
Two days after D-Day, some members of Easy are still lost in Normandy but eventually meet up with the rest of their units. One of these men is Pvt. Albert Blithe. Easy then takes the town of Carentan but suffers several casualties. Blithe, is then suffering from "hysterical blindness," but only to be cured when Winters talks to him. Easy then sets up a defensive position outside of Carentan where they are attakced by a German counter-offensive. Easy digs foxholes and holds the lines throughout the night, where Pvt. Smith accidently bayonets Sgt. Talbert, who mistook him as a German. Blithe then tells Lt. Speirs that he wasn't lost on D-Day, he was too scared to fight and hid from the Germans. The next morning, the Germans attack Easy with heavy resistance. Blithe is too scared in his foxhole to fight, but once again, Winters talks enough courage into him for him to start fighting. Eventually, American Sherman Tanks arrive to help win the battle. 25 days after D-Day, a small squad encounters a farm, where Blithe volunteers to take scout. He is then shot in the neck by a German sniper. Pvt. Albert Blithe never recovered from his injury and died 4 years later.
Episode 4: Replacements
Becasue of heavy casualties, a group of replacements join Easy just in time for the drop in German-occupied Holland for Operation Market-Garden on Sept. 17, 1944. Easy encounters no resistance in Eindhoven, where the locals welcome them as liberators. Easy, however, encounters stiff resistance in a nearby town where they're forced to retreat, suffereing many casualties. Sgt. Randleman is injured in the battle, where he is forced to spend the night in a barn. A farmer and his daughter discovers an injured Randleman. The farmer helps Randleman by pulling a peice of shrapnel out from his shoulder. A German soldier relieves himself in the barn, where he is suprised attacked by Randleman. The next day, Randleman finds Easy with much relief from his friends. The Allied plan, Operation Market-Garden, of ending the war by entering Germany through Holland by Christmans 1944, failed miserably.Episode 5: Crossroads
Winters leads a mission on a German company in Holland resulting in a "turkey shoot." Another German company appears over dike, where Winters calls in for artillery support. Then, German artillery zeros in on Easy between the crossroads, but eventually, Easy wins the battle. Later, Col. Sink promotes Winters to Battalion Executive Officer. Nixon recommends that Winters take a break and see Paris, but soon he reunites with Easy only to learn of a massive German offensive in the Ardennes forest in Belgium. Easy races to the front lines ill-equiiped and ill-supplied to help hold the lines but are not prepared to face the bitter cold.Episode 6: Bastogne
Easy tries to holds the lines while fighting off the Germans, frostbite, the Belgium winter and hunger. Medic Eugene `Doc` Roe is kept busy by coming to the aid of his much needed friends and by trying to look for much needed medical supplies. He eventually finds himself in an Aid Station where he meets a Belgian nurse, Renee. Easy then spends a horrible Christmas in their foxholes, where Germans bombard the town of Bastogne, destroying the Aid Station and killing the nurse.
Episode 7: The Breaking Point
Easy continues to hold the lines in the Belgium forest, but now face several serious obstacles. Easy has cleared the woods around the town of Foy and are dug-in, preparing for the eventuall assault on Foy itself. Easy is then heavily attacked by German artillery where Joe Toye and Bill Guarnere both lose their legs from the shelling. Compton and others are emotionally distraught from their fallen comrades. Later on, several members die from more shelling, including Penkala and Muck. Lipton tries to keep easy together by boasting morale and comforting the men of Easy. But Lt. Norman Dike's incompetance and absence is felt by Easy. Lipton tells Winters that everyone is ready for the assault on Foy, except for Norman Dike, who is an "empty uniform." Easy now has to take the town of the heavily guarded Foy, where Dike's incompetance gets many men of Easy killed where he orders Easy to stop in a middle of a field and to fall back . A frustrated Winters tells Lt. Spiers to relieve command of Dike. Easy needs to link up with I. Company berfore the Germans can retreat, so Spiers runs through the town of Foy. The Germans are amazed by this, along with Lipton, where Spiers repeats this feat by running back through Foy and past the Germans to his orignial position. Eventually, Easy would win the battle. Easy then take several other towns, where they finally get to spend the night indoors. Spiers and Lipton have a conversation, where Spiers informs Lipton that hes being promoted to Lieutenant. This, along with episode 6, clearly showed what the men of Easy had to go through.
Episode 8: The Last Patrol
Easy enters the French town of Haguenau in February 1945, where the war is close to coming to an end. Pvt. Webster is back from his injury in Holland, but finds himself as if he is a replacement. Easy is asked to send a patrol across a river to take German prisoners where Lt. Hank Jones, fresh from West Point is eager to go for experience, but is denied by Spiers. Spiers is asked to choose 15 men, most of them is from 2nd platoon, including Heffron, Ramerize and McClung. Webster suggests to Lt. Jones that Marlarkey could use a break, considering the emotional trauma he went though in Bastonge. Marlarkey is excused from leading the patrol from Winters, where Sgt. Martin takes his place. Webster goes along the patrol as a translator, as well as Liebgott. Webster suggests to Winters that Liebgott should sit this one out because there are 16 men, and only 15 men are needed. Then, Winters decides to excuse Liebgott. Later on in the night, the patrol across the river costs a life, Eugene Jackson. He died from his own grenade explosion. Col. Sink is impressed by Easy's caputre of 2 prisoners so he orders a second patrol later in the night. Winters then decides not to go on a second patrol, considering Jackson's death. He disobeys orders where Nixon fakes a report. Winters is then promoted to Major by Sink.
Band Of Brothers is arguebly much better than any war movie, even Saving Private Ryan. The costumes, props and acting are extremely well done, even though a few inaccuricies. The script was even given to the actual veterans for approval. This show portrays the sacrifces that the men of Easy did for one another and show why they were truly a band of brothers. Episodes 2,3,4,6 and 7 are probably the best episodes because of the amazing fight scenes. These episodes, along with the other episodes, truly show the horrific events that happened to the men of Easy and the amazing courage that each man displayed in the time of war. For any fan of war films, I highly recommend Band Of Brothers.
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